Friday, January 22, 2010

Guidelines For Overhead Projector Rental

Guidelines For Overhead Projector Rental
By Brantley Graham

When you need an overhead projector rental, there is more to consider than just the equipment itself. You must also consider what is required by the rental company, how the equipment will be paid for - and when - and so much more. Make sure that you get all of the pertinent details by using the information found below when before you rent the projector.

  • Is the equipment in good shape? Obviously, if the equipment is not in good shape, it won't do you much good, and it may completely ruin your presentation. Make sure that the equipment that you are inquiring about is in excellent condition and working properly before agreeing to anything. Find out all of the details of the rental agreement as well, such as delivery and setup, and technical support, if it is needed.
  • What do you need to supply for the overhead projector rental? Will references be required? Is there an application form to fill out? Does the rental company only accept certain credit cards? Will you need to pay a deposit? Find out exactly what the rental company needs from you for the rental. Often, in the cases of large corporations or businesses, a purchase order may be required if the cost of the rental is to be billed to the company, and not all rental companies are open to this. Find out early!
  • Will there be a credit check? Usually, you only need references for a rental; however in some cases a credit check may be required. Usually a credit check will be required in the event that the rental company will bill your company for the expense, instead of being paid upfront. Make sure that you have a clear understanding of how the transaction will work, and whether or not you will need to supply information about your company for a credit check.
  • When exactly should you pay for the overhead projector rental? Again, in the case of large corporations and businesses, you may not be required to pay for the rental upfront. Instead, you may be able to have the rental company send you a bill for the expense. However, not all rental companies are open to this, and payment may be needed at the time of the rental, in which case you need to be prepared for this.
  • What is the return policy? Will you be required to return the equipment yourself, or will it be picked up? You also need to know about refund policies in the event that the equipment doesn't work, or isn't delivered on time. If you are reserving the equipment in advance, you also need to know about the cancellation policy - especially if you have already given the company some form of payment.

If you follow these guidelines for your overhead projector rental, there shouldn't be any issues, and everything should go smoothly. Of course, no matter how professional you are, you must also make sure that you are dealing with a professional rental company as well in order for things to go the way that you desire.

Article Source:
Guidelines For Overhead Projector Rental

Film Projector Rentals

Film Projector Rentals
By Marcus Peterson

A film projector projects reels of film onto a screen to form a continuous image. Film projectors have the need to wind and unwind the reels and adjust the arms and distance. Despite the competition from video projection, film projectors have a niche market of buyers.

Film projector rental demand comes from residences, film festivals and university and school campuses.

Film projectors come with different widths such as 8mm, 16mm and 35mm. The type of projector depends on the space available and the number of audience. The demand for 35mm comes mostly from festivals while 8mm and 16mm find demand from other segments such as residences and student shows in universities.

Many of the rental companies are either owned by the universities or reside in the campuses. The demand for film projectors is cyclical as film festivals happen during a particular period of a year. Even for residences, the demand is usually in the summer months, when families like to have get-togethers outdoors.

The rental rates for projectors depend upon the type of films. 16mm projectors have a starting rental rate of $20 per day, 35mm at $50 per day. The total rental rates go up when we consider the screens and other accessories. Most of the a/v industry rental companies hold fewer stocks of film projectors. The rental companies in the university campuses charge lower fees for student groups.

Film projectors face severe competition from video projectors. New technologies such as DLP and audio/video storage media slowly make the conventional film based technologies obsolete.

When compared with video projectors, film projectors lack features to control contrast and brightness. Even with cinema halls transitioning to digital forms of projection, film based projector manufacturers are dwindling and therefore are the rental industry of film based projectors.

Article Source:

Film Projector Rentals

Digital Projector Rental

Digital Projector Rental
By Lee Hayes

Digital projectors are an excellent presentation devices, used to capture an audience with their ability to deliver clean crisp images. They can be plugged directly into a laptop/PC, DVD player or video recorder. While digital projectors have many great benefits it is worth considering the initial cost of a projector as well as the high cost of replacement bulbs.

The alternative is digital projector rental. For a fraction of the price you can hire all the necessary equipment you need. LCD projector rentals tend to be the most flexible but other things to consider are screen size and colour.

Make sure the screen has the same aspect ratio as the projector otherwise your image will not fit the screen. Aspect ratio refers to the dimensions of the image being projected. This is not the same as size of the projected image. Aspect ratio refers more to the shape of the projected image. The most common are 4:3 or 16:9 for widescreen usually on newer models.

Other things to consider are screen size, the size of the screen you will need this depends on the size of the room aswell as the size of the audience. The minimum distance a viewer should be is twice the width of the screen and the maximum distance should be no more than six times the distance of the screen.

Throw distance is the distance a projector can project an image, most projectors will have an ample throw distance for most boardrooms or classrooms however if your planning to use a projector in a large venue you may need to look at renting a professional digital projector.

Also the projector you will need will depend on the ambience of the room and the control you have over that. You will need a digital projector with more lumens if the room is brighter, Usually 1000-2000 lumens should suffice but if the room is quite bright you may need 3000+

The main benefits people find for renting digital projectors essentially comes down to the cost. Is it worth spending hundreds maybe even thousand of pounds on something that you wont be using a vast amount of the time when you can rent them affordably and easily.

Its clearly cheaper to rent a projector when you also take into account the cost for replacement bulbs. Digital projectors aren't particularly easy to transport and can be easily damaged when being transported. Renting prevents the hassle of fixing them if they were to get broken.

Article Source:

Digital Projector Rental